About Us

CrazyBox was thought about by Kert Ryder (21) and Anthony Machalek (19) established on January 20, 2010. CrazyBox features funny videos, polls asking our viewers what they would like to see even sometimes going as far as to ask what they would like to see happen to the Owners. We will make a poll and they will choose what will happen to who, crazybox is not responsible for you trying to copy what we do at home. If you break a neck, its not our fault. AND! Remember, stay in school, don't do drugs, don't rape sluts, don't make fun of gay clubs... Leave that to CrazyBox. 

About Our Staff

Kert Ryder:

Kert Ryder, 21 years old, a drop out of high school, a druggy, a happy one, likes to get in his Dodge Neon 4-Cylinder and tear up the streets of his hometown and do dumb shit with his protege Anthony Machalek.


Anthony Machalek:

My name is Anthony, I'm 19 years old, been on my own since 16, been locked up because of drugs, and served in the army. Mix this all together, and add a little bit of Kert Ryder, and you'll get some crazy shit.

History of project

Anthony and Kert have always had a fascination with dumb shit online, videos where people do crazy shit, get hurt or break a leg. Now we are the ones doing the dumb and crazy shit where we get hurt resulting in broken brain cells. Which has lead us to the creation of CrazyBox.

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